Source code for cw_geodata.vector_label.polygon

import os
import shapely
from affine import Affine
import rasterio
from rasterio.warp import transform_bounds
from ..utils.geo import list_to_affine, _reduce_geom_precision
from ..utils.core import _check_gdf_load
from ..raster_image.image import get_geo_transform
from shapely.geometry import box, Polygon
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from rtree.core import RTreeError

[docs]def convert_poly_coords(geom, raster_src=None, affine_obj=None, inverse=False, precision=None): """Georegister geometry objects currently in pixel coords or vice versa. Arguments --------- geom : :class:`shapely.geometry.shape` or str A :class:`shapely.geometry.shape`, or WKT string-formatted geometry object currently in pixel coordinates. raster_src : str, optional Path to a raster image with georeferencing data to apply to `geom`. Alternatively, an opened :class:`rasterio.Band` object or :class:`osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object can be provided. Required if not using `affine_obj`. affine_obj: list or :class:`affine.Affine` An affine transformation to apply to `geom` in the form of an ``[a, b, d, e, xoff, yoff]`` list or an :class:`affine.Affine` object. Required if not using `raster_src`. inverse : bool, optional If true, will perform the inverse affine transformation, going from geospatial coordinates to pixel coordinates. precision : int, optional Decimal precision for the polygon output. If not provided, rounding is skipped. Returns ------- out_geom A geometry in the same format as the input with its coordinate system transformed to match the destination object. """ if not raster_src and not affine_obj: raise ValueError("Either raster_src or affine_obj must be provided.") if raster_src is not None: affine_xform = get_geo_transform(raster_src) else: if isinstance(affine_obj, Affine): affine_xform = affine_obj else: # assume it's a list in either gdal or "standard" order # (list_to_affine checks which it is) if len(affine_obj) == 9: # if it's straight from rasterio affine_obj = affine_obj[0:6] affine_xform = list_to_affine(affine_obj) if inverse: # geo->px transform affine_xform = ~affine_xform if isinstance(geom, str): # get the polygon out of the wkt string g = shapely.wkt.loads(geom) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): g = geom else: raise TypeError('The provided geometry is not an accepted format. ' + 'This function can only accept WKT strings and ' + 'shapely geometries.') xformed_g = shapely.affinity.affine_transform(g, [affine_xform.a, affine_xform.b, affine_xform.d, affine_xform.e, affine_xform.xoff, affine_xform.yoff]) if isinstance(geom, str): # restore to wkt string format xformed_g = shapely.wkt.dumps(xformed_g) if precision is not None: xformed_g = _reduce_geom_precision(xformed_g, precision=precision) return xformed_g
[docs]def affine_transform_gdf(gdf, affine_obj, inverse=False, geom_col="geometry", precision=None): """Perform an affine transformation on a GeoDataFrame. Arguments --------- gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, or `str` A GeoDataFrame, pandas DataFrame with a ``"geometry"`` column (or a different column containing geometries, identified by `geom_col` - note that this column will be renamed ``"geometry"`` for ease of use with geopandas), or the path to a saved file in .geojson or .csv format. affine_obj : list or :class:`affine.Affine` An affine transformation to apply to `geom` in the form of an ``[a, b, d, e, xoff, yoff]`` list or an :class:`affine.Affine` object. inverse : bool, optional Use this argument to perform the inverse transformation. geom_col : str, optional The column in `gdf` corresponding to the geometry. Defaults to ``'geometry'``. precision : int, optional Decimal precision to round the geometries to. If not provided, no rounding is performed. """ if isinstance(gdf, str): # assume it's a geojson if gdf.lower().endswith('json'): gdf = gpd.read_file(gdf) elif gdf.lower().endswith('csv'): gdf = pd.read_csv(gdf) gdf = gdf.rename(columns={geom_col: 'geometry'}) if not isinstance(gdf['geometry'][0], Polygon): gdf['geometry'] = gdf['geometry'].apply(shapely.wkt.loads) else: raise ValueError( "The file format is incompatible with this function.") gdf["geometry"] = gdf["geometry"].apply(convert_poly_coords, affine_obj=affine_obj, inverse=inverse) if precision is not None: gdf['geometry'] = gdf['geometry'].apply( _reduce_geom_precision, precision=precision) return gdf
[docs]def georegister_px_df(df, im_fname=None, affine_obj=None, crs=None, geom_col='geometry', precision=None): """Convert a dataframe of geometries in pixel coordinates to a geo CRS. Arguments --------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with polygons in a column named ``"geometry"``. im_fname : str, optional A filename or :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` object containing an image that has the same bounds as the pixel coordinates in `df`. If not provided, `affine_obj` and `crs` must both be provided. affine_obj : `list` or :class:`affine.Affine`, optional An affine transformation to apply to `geom` in the form of an ``[a, b, d, e, xoff, yoff]`` list or an :class:`affine.Affine` object. Required if not using `raster_src`. crs : dict, optional The coordinate reference system for the output GeoDataFrame. Required if not providing a raster image to extract the information from. Format should be ``{'init': 'epsgxxxx'}``, replacing xxxx with the EPSG code. geom_col : str, optional The column containing geometry in `df`. If not provided, defaults to ``"geometry"``. precision : int, optional The decimal precision for output geometries. If not provided, the vertex locations won't be rounded. """ if im_fname is not None: affine_obj = crs = else: if not affine_obj or not crs: raise ValueError( 'If an image path is not provided, ' + 'affine_obj and crs must be.') tmp_df = affine_transform_gdf(df, affine_obj, geom_col=geom_col, precision=precision) return gpd.GeoDataFrame(tmp_df, crs=crs)
[docs]def geojson_to_px_gdf(geojson, im_path, precision=None): """Convert a geojson or set of geojsons from geo coords to px coords. Arguments --------- geojson : str Path to a geojson. This function will also accept a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` with a column named ``'geometry'`` in this argument. im_path : str Path to a georeferenced image (ie a GeoTIFF) that geolocates to the same geography as the `geojson`(s). If a directory, the bounds of each GeoTIFF will be loaded in and all overlapping geometries will be transformed. This function will also accept a :class:`osgeo.gdal.Dataset` or :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` with georeferencing information in this argument. precision : int, optional The decimal precision for output geometries. If not provided, the vertex locations won't be rounded. Returns ------- output_df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with all geometries in `geojson` that overlapped with the image at `im_path` converted to pixel coordinates. Additional columns are included with the filename of the source geojson (if available) and images for reference. """ # get the bbox and affine transforms for the image if isinstance(im_path, str): bbox = box(* affine_obj = im_crs = else: bbox = box(im_path.bounds) affine_obj = im_path.transform im_crs = # make sure the geo vector data is loaded in as geodataframe(s) gdf = _check_gdf_load(geojson) overlap_gdf = get_overlapping_subset(gdf, bbox=bbox, bbox_crs=im_crs) transformed_gdf = affine_transform_gdf(overlap_gdf, affine_obj=affine_obj, inverse=True, precision=precision) transformed_gdf['image_fname'] = os.path.split(im_path)[1] return transformed_gdf
[docs]def get_overlapping_subset(gdf, im=None, bbox=None, bbox_crs=None): """Extract a subset of geometries in a GeoDataFrame that overlap with `im`. Notes ----- This function uses RTree's spatialindex, which is much faster (but slightly less accurate) than direct comparison of each object for overlap. Arguments --------- gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` instance or a path to a geojson. im : :class:`rasterio.DatasetReader` or `str`, optional An image object loaded with `rasterio` or a path to a georeferenced image (i.e. a GeoTIFF). bbox : `list` or :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon`, optional A bounding box (either a :class:`shapely.geometry.Polygon` or a ``[bottom, left, top, right]`` `list`) from an image. Has no effect if `im` is provided (`bbox` is inferred from the image instead.) If `bbox` is passed and `im` is not, a `bbox_crs` should be provided to ensure correct geolocation - if it isn't, it will be assumed to have the same crs as `gdf`. Returns ------- output_gdf : :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` A :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` with all geometries in `gdf` that overlapped with the image at `im`. Coordinates are kept in the CRS of `gdf`. """ if not im and not bbox: raise ValueError('Either `im` or `bbox` must be provided.') if isinstance(gdf, str): gdf = gpd.read_file(gdf) if isinstance(im, str): im = sindex = gdf.sindex # use transform_bounds in case the crs is different - no effect if not if im: bbox = transform_bounds(,, *im.bounds) else: if isinstance(bbox, Polygon): bbox = bbox.bounds if not bbox_crs: bbox_crs = bbox = transform_bounds(bbox_crs,, *bbox) try: intersectors = list(sindex.intersection(bbox)) except RTreeError: intersectors = [] return gdf.iloc[intersectors, :]